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Carrico Therapy Center
610 E North St., Bradley, IL 60915
Traditional Naturopathy
First Do No Harm
Antonio Carrico, LMT, MS, ND
"Traditional Naturopaths do not prescribe pharmaceuticals; perform invasive procedures or diagnoses diseases."
Traditional Naturopathic Assessment & Treatment
The Traditional Naturopathic Consultation is composed of two parts:
- Assessment: Natural health analyzes focusing on the cause of energetic/physical imbalances using non-invasive natural methods of lifestyle evaluation, including but not limited to lifestyle analyze, and physical assessment,
- Additional Assessments: Hair analyze, and iridology if applicable.
- Treatment Plan: Individualized natural treatment approaches maybe used in order to assist the body’s self-healing mechanism and the achievement of well-being.
Traditional Naturopathic Rates
First visit assessment & treatment from $65 and up depending on additional assessment needed
Follow-up treatments from $45 and up
Profile 2 - Complete Hair Analysis
Hair Analysis by Trace Elements Inc.
Only $135.00
- 36 nutritional and toxic elements
- Holistic and non-invasive procedure
- Measures the mineral content of the hair.
- Provides indications of mineral status and toxic metal
- accumulation
- Copy of the test and graphic results included
- Complete individualized evaluation
- Detailed discussion of the client’s metabolic type – fast
- or slow metabolism
- Current deficiency and excess of nutrient levels
- Recommendations of nutrients and supplement for better
- health
Computerized Iridology
Only $85.00
Iridology is a non-invasive assessment technique of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient's systemic health. This form of assessment is designed to identify inherited strengths and weaknesses in the body.
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